1905 Indian Lake Drive
Birmingham, AL 35244
Florida (Panhandle) Manufacturers
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Specialists in electrical safety training and arc flash
hazard analysis
Brad Watson, (205) 209-7021, bwatson@ashbyco.com
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Fiberglass cable tray; instrumentation channel
Russ Parker, 205-682-3316, rparker@ashbyco.com
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Federal Signal Corporation
Audible and visual signaling devices; Evacuation and public address systems
Russ Parker, 205-682-3316, rparker@ashbyco.com
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Franklin Electric Grid Solutions
Intelligent monitoring systems; Optimizer3, NoMo SF6 Drier, LineTracker data logger, Midtronics Stationary Power Montitoring and Testing, Powermonic PQ Meter
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Haydon Corporation
Leading manufacturer of strut metal framing systems and roof blocks proudly MADE IN AMERICA!
CSR, 205-682-3308, CSR@ashbyco.com
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Knipex Tools
Market-leading manufacturer of high-quality pliers
for the lineman and electrician
Trent Higginbotham, 205-682-3312,
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Laminated Wood Systems, Inc.
Leader in engineered laminated wood structures and utility pole management products
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Products that protect, control and provide sensing on your electrical distribution system.
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Lütze Systematic Technology
LUTZE Systematic Technology Control cables, VFD cables, Servo Cable Assemblies, AirSTREAM Wiring System, LOCC Box load protection
Kenney Reed, 205-682-3315, kreed@ashbyco.com
Patrick Jackson, 205-682-3301, pjackson@ashbyco.com
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Porcelain and Polymer Insulators
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Northeast Power Systems, Inc.
Medium voltage metal-enclosed power factor
correction and harmonic filter system
Craig Higginbotham, 205-682-3319, chigginbotham@ashbyco.com
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NovaTech Products that make the electrical grid more efficient through measurement, communication and automation technologies
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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nVent Eriflex
Low voltage power and grounding connections for panels
Kenney Reed, 205-682-3315, kreed@ashbyco.com
Patrick Jackson, 205-682-3301, pjackson@ashbyco.com
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nVent Hoffman
Standard, modified and custom enclosure solutions designed to protect your valuable equipment.
Kenney Reed, 205-682-3315, kreed@ashbyco.com
Patrick Jackson, 205-682-3301, pjackson@ashbyco.com
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nVent Thermal (formerly Pentair Thermal Management)
Heat Tracing Products and Services featuring the Raychem, Tracer and Pyrotenax brands.
Kenney Reed, 205-682-3315, kreed@ashbyco.com
Patrick Jackson, 205-682-3301, pjackson@ashbyco.com
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Air-break switches
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Cable terminating & splicing products; Rubber goods, Flashover protection
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
Craig Higginbotham, 205-682-3319, chigginbotham@ashbyco.com
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S&C Electric Company, Inc.
Products and services that help deliver electric
power more efficiently and reliably including advanced distribution automation systems featuring self-healing capabilities, interrupter switches, power fuses, metal-enclosed switchgear, pad-mounted switchgear, capacitor controls, Purewave UPS systems and engineering services
Craig Higginbotham, 205-682-3319, chigginbotham@ashbyco.com
Substation Packagers Only:
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Coated, shatterproof incandescent, fluorescent and LED lamps; LED Lighting Fixtures
Russ Parker, 205-682-3316, rparker@ashbyco.com
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Trench Electric
Line Traps, CTs, PTs, CCVTs, Reactors and Bushings
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Waukesha, a Prolec GE Company
Power Transformers, related services and
Lindsay Gass, 205-682-3311, lindsay@ashbyco.com
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Please note that not all manufacturers and service providers are represented in all parts of our coverage area.